USB Wifi device
You should always be able to find a co-working space in the city you are visiting, but in case you cannot find a reliable WiFi hotspot, you should have a USB WiFi device in your pocket. It does not take up a lot of space and it can be a life-saver. Furthermore, it does not require a battery – you just need to install a specific software on your laptop so you can plug in your WiFi USB and do your job.
External battery
The external battery is a bulkier piece of equipment, especially when your traveling bag is stuffed with the necessities to the ripping point. However, it is an essential item just like the WiFi USB – in case all the wall plugs are taken or you are simply not in the proximity of one, you can whip out your external battery and use it to recharge your nearly depleted laptop, tablet or smartphone.
The “anchor”
Since you will be traveling around and changing your “base of operations” every now and then, you need to create a good “anchor” for work. This “anchor” is something that will trigger an association with work and put you in the right state of mind to do your job no matter where you are. Some people have an object that they put next to their tablet or laptop and it serves as an instant association. Since you will be traveling a lot, you can attach this item to your keychain – it is a crucial part of your “traveling bag” so you should try not to lose it.
However, this “anchor” does not necessarily need to be a physical object. Here is an example – you can download Mozart’s symphonies on your phone and buy some solid noise cancelling headphones. Whenever you put the headphones on and press play to listen to classical music, the music can serve as an association to work. You will concentrate more easily and decrease the chances of being distracted by anything that enters your field of vision.
Notebook and a pen
There are plenty of apps you can install to take notes and create reminders. However, you should always carry a notebook and a pen along with you in case a piece of equipment malfunctions. If push comes to shove, you can always rely on the good ol’ ink and paper.
Light shoes
Hiking boots are a bad choice even though they are sturdy and reliable. Also, there are some occasions that they are simply inappropriate for. On the other hand, sneakers, bat shoes, and any light and reliable shoes made of cloth can be worn at both formal and informal events and can be combined with a variety of clothes. You can get several pairs and tuck them into your traveling bag easily.
Basic clothes
Keep your traveling wardrobe simple and minimalist. Opt for monochrome shirts and strong jeans. As you are picking what to put into the bag, ask yourself this question – will I wear this at least once a week? Black shirts and jackets can be both casual and elegant, so this is a good choice of color. Apart from jeans, you should also pack one pair of shorts and elegant pants (just in case).
In order to be a successful digital nomad, you have to feel comfortable in an ever-changing environment. If you need to be in a fixed, specific place to do your work, traveling around will throw you out of balance, and you will not be able to fulfill your basic daily tasks. This is why being a “digital nomad” is not just a way of working, it is a way of life.
About the Author
Roxana is a travel enthusiast and lifestyle consultant from Sydney and she loves to write about her adventures. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. Being a typical Aussie, she often hits the waves and loves beaches and sunshine! You can find out more about her writing following her on twitter and facebook. She is also one of the editors at Highstylife Magazine.
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