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My Books 

Here you find all the books I have written.

Have fun browsing through them!

My Trip Around the World – Coming soon

My Trip Around the World

8 Months – 13 Countries – 4 Continents

Do you know my first book „My Trip Around the World – A Dream Come True“? If you like my blog you will love my book!
„My Trip Around the World – A Dream Come True“ is about the ups and downs of long-term traveling. I will tell you how I collected air miles for about 5 years to get a Round the World Ticket for free. It brought me to 4 continents, 13 countries and countless cities bereisen. The book is for globetrotters, travel addicted people and everybody who is striving for more freedom by traveling the world.

Traveling on a low budget

Travel more for less money!

You need to be rich to travel the world? Nope! Traveling on a Low Budget is a guide for low budget travelers. You will learn about all my tips and tricks to save money and spend less…
  • to get around
  • to stay somewhere
  • to eat
  • to do sightseeing
I traveled once around the world with around 9,000 Dollars. You can do it, too, if you follow my advice! Plan your trip better and be prepared to what is waiting for you.

Travel Solo

People still ask me if I’m not afraid of traveling alone. If I really feel at ease exploring new places instead of having a real home. This ebook is my answer. After more than two years traveling alone I can tell you that I don’t only love to get to know new countries and cultures, but it made me grow as a person. I learned a lot about myself and gained more self-confidence, trust and freedom. If you still have doubts wether to take the step or not – this book is perfect for you! Because I will show you how solo traveling can change you…

City Guides for Digital Nomads

I also started an ebook series of city guides for digital nomads!


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