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Cadiz – A Photo Walk Through a City Made for Strolling

von | 29/11/16 | Category Europe, Spain, Traveling | 2 Kommentare

Cadiz is not making the best first impression: There is a smell of the sea in the air. A smell of fish and the sea. It’s not really pleasant. But I am really looking forward to my Photo Walk and in a good mood!

I have two hours before I have to go on: I want to go to Seville, so Cadiz is on the way. It’s a two hours drive from Tarifa. Two hours of nonstop rain. That’s probably the reason for the smell…

I am lucky that the sun is shining now!

Two hours are not enough at all to understand a city. But it’s enough to get an impression. That’s why today I don’t want to write a lot. I just want you to come with me on a stroll through this beautiful Andalusian city: without a plan, just trying to absorb the atmosphere of Cadiz.

Let’s get started:

Then I arrived at an amazing promenade that – I learned that later – is leading around half of Cadiz.

I took the street to my right and I unexpectedly ended up in the heart of the Old Town and at the cathedral of Cadiz.


Time was flying! So I had to decide if I still go to see the tower Torre de Tavira that is supposed to have a beautiful view from the top. At least that’s what they said at the Tourist Information. But 6 Euro entrance fee was too expensive for me.

In the end, I decided to go to the beach: That was the last time at the beach in Andalusia before leaving for Germany!

Although Cadiz is worth more than just a photo walk: I enjoyed strolling through the streets and not thinking of anything than taking photos of beautiful places!

Did you ever do that? Hit the reply button and tell me about it!

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