von Barbaralicious | Apr. 26, 2017 | Asia, Israel, Middle East, Traveling
Nablus and Jenin – My First Trip Ever to the Westbank One of the tours that I did when I was in Israel the last time was to Nablus and Jenin. When I went to Jerusalem for the TBEX, I knew: This time, I want to go to the Westbank, I want to see Palestine. It’s...
von Barbaralicious | Apr. 19, 2017 | Asia, Israel, Middle East, Traveling
The Fortress of Masada – A Myth of Honor and Pride In March, I went to Israel for the second time. The reason was the TBEX, the biggest conference for travel bloggers. Very high on my to do list was a tour called „Masada Sunrise, Ein Gedi and the Dead...
von Barbaralicious | Jan. 5, 2017 | Asia, Thailand, Traveling, Uncategorized
Bangkok – City of Angels Not only Los Angeles is called The City of Angels, but also the Thai capital Bangkok – at least the Thai call it by that name. I arrived at the early evening at the airport and made my way to the hostel. Changed trains once and the rest...