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Indonesia for Digital Nomads

Indonesia for Digital Nomads p Facts About Indonesia Indonesia has begun to emerge as an economic power in Southeast Asia, as well as a newly democratic nation. Its long history as the source of spices coveted around the world shaped Indonesia into the multi-ethnic...

Vietnam for Digital Nomads

Vietnam for Digital Nomads I had heard of many nomads who chose Ho Chi Minh City / Saigon as their base. Personally, I was a bit hesitant to go there because I’m not a big fan of big cities (except from Singapore, New York, and Rio de Janeiro). But then I saw...

Japan for Digital Nomads

Japan for Digital Nomads p Facts About Japan Japan is an archipelago of some 6,852 islands located in a volcanic zone on the Pacific Ring of Fire. A nearly continuous series of ocean trenches, volcanic arcs and shifting tectonic plates, the Pacific Ring of Fire...

Italy for Digital Nomads

Italy for Digital Nomads Since my mother is Italian, I’ve been to Italy and mostly Sicily so many times that it’s impossible to count it. Additionally, I’ve done my semester abroad in Florence, living there for half a year. So, yes: Italy feels like home! That is why...