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Know Your Options: Different Lifestyles of Digital Nomads

von | Mrz 10, 2018 | Digital Nomadism, Guest Blog | 0 Kommentare



The idea sounds pretty simple and straightforward – a digital nomad is someone who is constantly on the move, exploring new cities and countries, meanwhile relying entirely on technology to make a living. Seasoned digital nomads eventually develop their regimes and work out the details of their life on the go, but to the newcomer, it might sound like digital nomadism entails only one way of living. While it does represent a general lifestyle in itself, there are, however, many different options and lifestyles to adapt, or ways to adjust your current lifestyle preferences to a nomadic way of living. We’re here to shed some light on that.

Your definition of nomadism

“Being constantly on the move” is a more broad generalisation of the nomadic lifestyle. As a digital nomad, you define how often you change places according to what suits you. You might like planning a schedule of when specifically you move to the next place, you might want to do it in predefined cycles, or maybe you’d want absolute freedom and not knowing when you’ll be moving on. Most digital nomads are “slow travellers” – meaning they spend at least a month in each place before relocating.

There’s another key factor that adds variety to the nomadic lifestyle, and that’s choosing whether you will have a base home or live completely free of one. With a base, you can settle for a milder version of the nomadic life, such as staying at home for a season and travelling for the rest of the year, or switching between home and travel as often as you like. This is usually the way to start out, see how it goes, and adjust to the switch. If you decide not to have a base, you’re essentially opting for a more minimalist lifestyle and will be getting rid of the majority of your things.

Proud Nomad

Working environment

The work environment you choose in each new destination will greatly affect the lifestyle you live there. Obviously, you’re dependent upon technology and a good Internet connection, so that will be a determining factor when choosing your working environment. Coworking spaces or “digital nomad hubs” are great options for connecting with like-minded people and ensuring you have stability. However, you might choose to work independently at coffee shops or even from the comfort of rented accommodations. Essentially, it’s good to switch it up every once in a while, as long as you can keep up with your work routine.

Working Nomad

Nomad cyclists

Modern nomadism greatly owes its popularity to backpackers and cyclists, so it’s no surprise you’ll see a lot of digital nomads whose primary means of travel are their road and mountain bikes. If you’re a cycling enthusiast, this might be just the right thing for you. Of course, there are lots of details to work out, such as whether you’ll be taking your trusted bike to overseas travels or renting one while you’re away. Also, it requires preparing ahead, mapping out routes, finding camps, and being nifty with apps – such as Warmshower, which offers cyclists a place to stay, wash up and tap into sweet Wi-Fi.

Digital nomads with children

The popular stance is that nomadic living is not meant for the family lifestyle, but in fact, some families are proving this wrong. Moreover, there are numerous parents who believe this way of living will enrich their children’s lives in an uncountable number of ways. The main worry for many people is how to possibly school their children when living this way. But there are options, and Ashley Dymock, a fellow digital nomad, has written extensively about them.

Houses on wheels

Accommodation is the trickiest part for all digital nomads on a budget, for this is where the money gets drained. In fact, as housing prices are going through the roof, many people have chosen to convert vans into homes and eventually, after that, embraced the lifestyle of a digital nomad. It definitely is an interesting concept and a smart way to ensure comfort. However, it means having to plan out very carefully when you’ll be driving (for the drives are looong) and when you’ll be working, as well as the technical details, such as solar power for your van and your options for Internet connections. But it is a lifestyle that’s gaining popularity and developing a worldwide community.

All in all, the whole idea of digital nomadism is feeding your curiosity, pushing boundaries and breaking away from traditional rules. That’s why the concept itself implies you get to define your nomadic lifestyle in whichever way you look. Whatever works for you, and remember – any obstacle to your desired way of living can be overcome. Just think outside the box, and go for it!

About the Author

Aside from primary area of interest and expertise in blogging, Lena could be tagged also as a passionate traveller, nature and photography enthusiast, always trying to keep up to date with the latest trends in design and architecture. When she is not writing she is spending time with her family.


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