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Gibraltar – About Thick Fog, a Known Rock and Monkeys

von | 26/10/16 | Category Europe | 0 Kommentare

They quickly check my passport and then I am suddenly in Britain. It’s my first time in Gibraltar and I am really looking forward to an awesome day.

Although I am happy that I can still drive on the right side of the street, I feel like I’ve completely lost track of the traffic. The streets are confusing, there is one roundabout after another and I simply want to stop to take a deep breath. But there is no possibility to park or just stop somewhere.

Gibraltar in the fog

After about 10 minutes driving I arrive to the other end of Gibraltar, the so called Europa Point. No I can see the extent of the weather: the fog is so thick that I can’t even see a 100 meters far.


Nebel über dem Europa Point

After exploring one of the southernmost points of the European mainland, I go back to the car to wait for better weather. There is no sense in going up the rock if I won’t be able to see anything. After an hour it’s still not getting better so I decide to take the bus to the Old Town. A day ticket (called Hoppa Ticket) is only 3 Euro.

Old Town

I can’t believe it, but the city with 29.000 inhabitants really looks like a British city and doesn’t remind me at all of the Spanish cities I know.

Royal Mail Gibraltar

Telephone Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a Duty Free Zone by the way! So it’s really worth going there if you need to fill your tank or need to buy a new device or cloths. I treated myself to a new phone since my old one stopped working several times in summer and it’s still not working well.

The main street of Old Town is a pedestrian zone where you will find many shops to do some shopping. After 500 meter it leads to the main square with restaurants.

In der Altstadt Gibraltar

The Rock of Gibraltar

Probably one of the best known rocks in the world and immediately recognizable by its shape… Unfortunately I still can’t see it because of the fog. Nevertheless I decide to climb the rock after lunch, because I can’t just return home. The way up leads through beautiful small alleys.

I’m getting higher and higher while the view is getting better with every step.

Herz im Baum

Blick auf Gibraltar

In the end I am lucky: The fog clears up and the first rays of the sun reach me, make me smile and feel happy.

Finally I reach the entrance. I can choose between three kinds of tickets:

  1. Walking Ticket for 1 Euro
  2. Vist to the caves for 12 Euro
  3. full ticket including a visit to the structures of the World Wars for 21 Euro

It’s already late – after 3PM – so I opt for the Walking Ticket. Everything else doesn’t make any sense.

Then I see my first monkey in Gibraltar. He seems to enjoy himself a lot being taken photos of and chilling in the sun.

Affe auf Kanone Gibraltar

Barbara mit einem Affen in Gibraltar

I’m walking up the rock, sweating and although it’s not as bad, I can’t help thinking of climbing the Adam’s Peak. But it was definitely way worse.

The Monkeys of Gibraltar

When I arrive to one of the highest points, the famous monkeys are already waiting for me. They are playing, scuffling and delousing each other – exactly the way I expected it to be.

Affen in Gibraltar

I think they are super cute… Although one of them tries to steal one of my lenses out of my backpack, I don’t want to carry grudges against the monkeys. Let me share some more photos of the animals that are so similar to us human beings (just click on the arrows on the left or right):

The Descent

I almost can’t say goodbye to the monkeys. Most of all the babies are too cute to turn around and just leave. So I take some more photos.

But then it’s really time to make my way back, because the sun is already quite low on her way down. There is a staircase which allows me to take a shortcut to the road.

Treppe Rock of Gibraltar

Just a quick look at the new suspension bridge, opened just recently.

Hängebrücke Rock of Gibraltar

Hängebrücke von vorn

Then it’s really time to go back to the car and 30 minutes after sunset I arrive to the bus stop – my legs hurt as hell from all the walking up and down. I’m lucky again, because only 10 minutes later there is a bus that brings my back to the Europa Point.

You want to see more than photos?

Then watch Chris Spiegl’s video of our day in Gibraltar!

My Conclusion?

Gibraltar is definitely worth a day trip. I think you can see that was kind of happy, right?

Barbara macht ein Foto mit dem Handy

But spending more than one day in the city and on the rock is a bit too much, I guess.

Have you ever been to Gibraltar? Hit the reply button and tell mein the comments about your stay!

Yours Barbara

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