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5 Ways to Improve Your Standard of Living as a Nomad

von | 06/07/18 | Digital Nomadism, Guest Blog | 0 Kommentare


A Nomadic lifestyle seems like something straight out of a novel. Constantly changing your home after a short period of time, living with complete uncertainty of where you might end up next, as exciting as it sounds, it’s really not for everyone! After all, one of the best things about traveling is taking a deep breath of relaxation after you finally get home, with the memories intact in your soul.

However, a Nomadic lifestyle is something you can easily get addicted to, which is why many people still opt for it. Most Nomads find themselves living in fairly harsh living conditions most of the time. This sometimes drives them away from such a lifestyle. So here are some tips to improve your living standards when leading the life of a permanent traveler.

You Don’t Need to Carry Too Much

A lot of the stuff we end up buying and carrying turns out to be unnecessary. You can find all sorts of resources in the places you visit, or you can try living the natives of the land if you are visiting very impoverished or simplistic areas.

If you have a bit of money on hand, you can buy travel-sized items wherever you go, be it irons, kettles, soaps, etc. there and then and then leave it be when you are leaving that area so you don’t have a lot of baggage.

Get Some Funding

You need a large sum of money when you are traveling; even the cheapest places aren’t quite as cheap as we hope they would be. And there is only so much you can do to earn your own money when you are living a life on the road.

This is why it helps to get your travels funded. Try to be active on social media and start a blog/vlog that describes your adventures to your viewers. If you end up going vial or gaining a number of followers, you might get all the funding you need from them.

Look up Good Places to Live in

If you get your hands on a decent amount of money, you might look into good places to stay wherever you go. One of the biggest reasons why people let go of nomadic lifestyles is that they cannot cope with the harsh living conditions constantly. Knowing you can mostly afford a decent place to stay is sometimes all the motivation you need to continue with this lifestyle.

Find a Job that Suits this Lifestyle

There aren’t too many jobs that can support your nomadic lifestyle fully, but some jobs are in demand everywhere. For example, you can teach people a foreign language Like English or whatever your mother tongue is. You can also write or be a photographer. You can also work as a freelancer online.

Save Money Wherever you can

Make it a point to not spend unnecessarily when you are out on your travels. Make sure your money goes into keeping your living standards up rather than into collecting things.

About the Author

Robert is a student of business administration. He has a great passion for cars and devices that improve the driving experience. He loves photography as well and has his own little studio in California. He ritually posts at


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