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Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Take Amazing Shots of the City at the Main

von | 30/08/17 | Category Europe, Germany, Traveling | 16 Kommentare

For quite a while already, I had in mind to write a blog post about the best photo spots in Frankfurt. Since I’m from a city close to Frankfurt and I studied at the University of Frankfurt, seeing the skyline has always evoked a feeling of „home“ in me. That’s why I was really happy when the Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main asked me to do it with them.

The order of the photo spots is no ranking. I tried to bring them in an order that enables you to do a photo walk.

Click on the photos to see them in full size!

Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Main Tower
With 200 meters (or 240 meters, counting the antenna) and 56 floors, the Main Tower is the fourth highest building in Frankfurt and Germany. There is viewing observatory on the top – the only one on top of a skyscraper in Frankfurt – from where you have a wonderful 360 degree view. I loved the view in the direction of the fair with all the skyscrapers (see the title photo) and as well to the other side with the bridges over the Main and the Dome. The entrance fee is 8 Euro and is well worth it. It was my first time up there and I enjoyed every second. Probably, I will come back and try to get some good shots of the sunset.

#2 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Alte Oper (Old Opera House)

I always liked the Old Opera House… It’s saying at the fassade „Dem Wahren, Schönen, Guten“, which means „To the True, the Beautiful, the Good“. Already as a teenager, these words toughed my artist’s heart while the architecture reminded me of my second home: Italy. Inaugurated in 1877, it was used until 1944 as the opera and theater house. After the destruction in 1944 though, the artists move to the so called Schauspielhaus. It became the most beautiful ruin in Germany but still: people were thinking of what to do with it. Finally, they decided to rebuild it and today, there are almost 500.000 people going to 450 events every year. I myself have seen many concerts and musicals in there. It became a kind of tradition for me to see at least one musical a year there.
Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Alte Oper (Old Opera House)

#3 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – MyZeil

Photo Spots in Frankfurt – MyZeil
MyZeil is a quite new shopping mall (inaugurated in 2009) on the famous strip mall called Zeil. It has six floors, with escalators to every single floor and one escalator going from the ground floor to the sixth floor (42 Meters). It’s Germany’s longest inside escalator. I think the glass structure reminds me of the sea, which is why the building is giving me peace and power. Additionally, I really love this mix of old and new. I’m always happy to be at MyZeil although it’s getting more and more seldom. That’s why it was so cool for me to go there with my DSLR.

#4 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Römerberg (the Square at the Town Hall)

We leave MyZeil and walk right. We take the first street on our left, which is the Liebfrauenstraße that after two blocks becomes the Neue Kräme. The Römer has been the place of the Town Hall since 1405 and the square in front of it is called Römerberg – it’s the heart of the old town. This is where many of Frankfurt’s outside events take place like, for example, the Christmas Market. It’s a popular tourist site since it has been rebuilt on all sides of the square. Personally, I really love that you can almost touch the aura of history here. It feels like it’s coming to life!
Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Römer and Römerberg

#5 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – The Dome of Frankfurt

Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Dome
Another „first time“ for me: I had never been on the Dome before! The full name is Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus – but I have never heard somebody using this name, people always just talk about „the Dome“! It has been one of the most important buildings of the Holy Roman Empire being the place of elections and coronations. There have been two other churches before this one in the exact same place. Today’s dome has been built between 1250 and 1514.


#6 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Bridges Over the Main

Already back in ancient times, Frankfurt has been an important place for river crossings. Today, there are nine crossing over the Main just in the city center. Every single one is worth a visit offering a unique view over the city giving you the chance to take amazing photos.My personal favorit is the Eiserner Steg. This is where I took this photo. You get there if you go back to the Römer after having been on the Dome and turn left. The Eisernen Steg will be right in front of you. Additionally, I suggest you cross the bridge and take a stroll along the river on the other side. It’s called Museumsufer (Museum Riverbank) thanks to its high concentration of museums.
Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Bridges over the Main and Eiserner Steg

#7 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Goethe Tower

Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Goethe Tower
The Goethe Tower – a viewing platform in the city forest of Frankfurt – is 43,3 meters high and has been inaugurated in 1931. It’s 100 percent wooden and has 196 steps. Until 1999 it was even Germany’s tallest wooden tower. From up there you have an amazing view and, as you can see, it’s beautiful during sunset. And no need to be scared that you find the door shut when you get down: The door gets closed around the sunset but you can always open it from the inside. That’s I would recommend you to bring your dinner and enjoy the sunset as long as possible. I like to take photos of every stage of a sunset including when it’s completely dark. So take your time and enjoy!

#8 Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Lohrberg

The Lohrberg is a 185 meters high mountain in Frankfurt and has the only remaining vineyard in the metropolitan area. It was a bit difficult to find the park with the great view. So, if you, too, want to get there by car, type in your GPS MainÄppelHaus. That’s the restaurant in the park. You should definitely try some typical dishes and the local drink: apple wine, called Äppler or Äppelwoi! Otherwise, you could do a picknick. I’m sure it would make a perfect day to sit there in the sun, having some snacks and enjoying the beautiful view.
Photo Spots in Frankfurt – Lohrberg
These were my eight photo spots in Frankfurt. It was a huge pleasure for me to see my city through the eyes of a tourist and – who knows – perhaps I will write some more blog posts about this underrated city in Germany. What is definitely coming before the end of the year is the Frankfurt Guide for Digital Nomads! So stay tuned…
PS: This blog post is a collaboration with Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main. I got the Frankfurt Card as well as the Rhein Main Card plus a monetary compensation. My opinion is my own and remains untouched by this collaboration.

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