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The PROUD NOMAD Collection – Not just clothes, but a statement

von | 13/11/16 | Digital Nomadism | 0 Kommentare

In June 2016 I created the PROUD NOMAD collection. I wanted to create something that is not only nice to look at for travelers but as well make a statement. Because I chose my lifestyle of location independence, minimalism and longterm traveling for a reason.

Step by step I bought some of my own clothes. First I wanted to wear them myself. Second I wanted to try them for you to be able to tell you how it’s is to have them on my skin.

The result? I simply love every single piece! And now I almost wear nothing else than PROUD NOMAD shirts! The textiles are great and feel soft and comfy even after some washings!




The sweater keeps you really warm and is super comfortable! It’s perfect for the airplane, long bus rides or travel days in general. This was in Sevilla and would really have been cold all the time without it, because it was only 15 degrees:


I didn’t have a base cap on a long time, that’s why the PROUD NOMAD base cap was one of the first thing on my „must-buy-list“. This was for example on my day trip to Baelo Claudia:


Ok, it’s a little bit big! Seems like I have a small head… But if I put my hair under it, it fits perfectly and I would say it looks good as well!

Or what do you think?

When I was in Tarifa I had my gym bag with me almost all the time:

Barbara mit World Traveler Turnbeutel

The gym bag is part of the WORLDTRAVELER collection though. I wanted to offer a variety just to be able to change a bit. And the cover of Traveling on a Low Budget just fits incredibly well, don’t you think?

Some parts of the collection are even ecological! So no need to feel bad about the environment…

Which piece do you like best? Do you prefer PROUD NOMAD or WORLDTRAVELER?

Yours Barbara

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