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Pulau Ubin – A Day Trip to Singapore’s Coolest National Park

von | 07/04/18 | Asia, Singapore, Traveling | 0 Kommentare

During my second trip to Singapore, I wanted to explore even more islands. Unfortunately, I did not manage to see more than Pulau Ubin, but it was a start!

Pulau Ubin – The island

Pulau Ubin is Malaysian and means „Granite Island“ you can actually find some abandoned granite quarries. The island is known for being the last Kampong, a typical traditional village in Singapore, that is not yet urbanized and modernized. Here, you can travel through time because this is how Singapore looked like in the 1960s.

Pulau Ubin

The island is northwest of Singapore and only around a hundred people still live there, that mostly take care of tourists. They offer bicycles for rent, sell bananas and drive a kind of shuttle bus if you want to get back to the harbor by car after your hike over the island.

Apart from that, only monkeys, trees and breathtaking panoramas await you!

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin – How to get there

The only way to get to Pulau Ubin is to take a small boat, which departs regularly from Changi Village. There is no regular schedule, it leaves as soon as it’s full. So you can either depart immediately or wait quite a while, depending on your luck.

Changi Village Pulau Ubin

On your short trip, you have a wonderful view of the beaches of Changi village and of course Pulau Ubin.

Changi Village

Pulau Ubin

There are neither entrance fees nor opening times. You can even spend the night on the island if you like. If you enjoy camping, you will certainly love sleeping under stars.

Pulau Ubin – What you can do here

On Pulau Ubin, there are various „attractions“, that you can visit by foot or with a mountain bike. But here is a word of advice – the paths are steep and not necessarily paved. I heard stories of people underestimating them and having severe falls in the bends. If you choose to get around by bicycle, please follow the signs and push the bike if asked to.

Mountainbikes Pulau Ubin

On to the attractions.

Sensory Trail

This trail goes for 1,5 km along various endemic plants. Are you a nature lover? Then you will find joy between basil, turmeric, and ginger.

Pulau Ubin

Pulau Ubin

Pekan Quarry

This former granite quarry is now a clear blue lake. In my eyes, this is absolutely Instagram worthy and also worth a visit!

Pulau Ubin

Butterfly Hill

Here you can find around 140 butterfly species, that will mesmerize you. There are also several species thought to be extinct all along!

Jawa Wetlands and Boardwalk

This 1.1 km long wooden pathway leads through the mangroves of the island and was my absolute highlight! But please don’t forget sunscreen, as the walkway is not in the shade. And watch out for reptiles and water animals, that assemble around mangroves. I actually spotted some water-monitors!

Pulau Ubin Chek Jawa Wetlands

Pulau Ubin Check Jawa Wetlands Boardwalk

Pulau Ubin Check Jawa Wetlands Mangroven

Pulau Ubin Check Jawa Wetlands Boardwalk

Pulau Ubin Check Jawa Wetlands Boardwalk

Jejawi Tower at Chek Jawa

This tower has 120 steps and offers a breathtaking panorama of the island. You can even spot beautiful birds! So don’t forget your looking glasses, if you are interested in this.

Pulau Ubin Check Jawa Wetlands Lookout

Pulau Ubin – Conclusion

For a day trip, Pulau Ubin is wonderful! I really enjoyed my time on the island and it was interesting, seeing this other side of Singapore. So if anybody ever again tells you Singapore only had buildings to offer, please show them my blog post!

Also, I loved being on this island with a guide. Rara has been guiding tourists for several years and knows the island inside and out. It was ideal since she knows the paths and also the plants and animals. I booked this tour through Airbnb*, that now offers so-called Experiences next to their accommodation business. I absolutely recommend it!


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