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A Day in Seville

von | 22/11/16 | Category Europe, Spain, Traveling | 0 Kommentare


I was thrilled to go back to Seville!

I was there for one day in 2009 while I was doing an internship in Salamanca. Back then I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t have more time to see more of the city. That’s why Seville was very high on my bucket list when I was staying in Tarifa this autumn.

With a stop in Cádiz I drove to the home of Flamenco.

When I arrived, it was already dark. I simply wanted to find my hotel and go to bed, because I was so tired from all the driving in the rain and the two-hours-stay in Cádiz. But it was a bit more difficult than expected since my hotel was in the city center and in a pedestrian zone.

I think I was searching for almost an hour for a parking garage (for almost 20 Euro per day).

Finally I arrived to the hotel which looked pretty cool at first sight:

Atrium Nuevo Suizo Sevilla

The staircase was pretty impressive.

I was staying in my room for the rest of the evening and went to bed before 10 PM.

First stop: Cathedral? Not today!

In the morning I wanted to explore the city. During my last stay, I hadn’t seen anything but the cathedral.

It seemed almost ironic to me, that exactly on that day there was a procession to bring a statue from the cathedral to another chapel. In consequence, I couldn’t even get close to the entrance of the cathedral due to all the people who wanted to assist this „event“. I wanted to come back after my trip, but in the end, I was too tired.

I just enjoyed strolling through the city on this sunny day.

Flamenco-Tänzerinnen Sevilla

Brunnen Sevilla

Überdachung Sevilla

After I while I really wanted to see some of the highlights of Seville. So I took out the map to check the way to Plaza España, the nicest square of the city.


Plaza España and Maria Luisa Park

But first I came to Maria Luisa Park. A beautiful park with many green trees and palm trees. I had the impression that the Sevillanos come here to spend their Sunday afternoons.

Spiegelung im Teich

Im Park in Sevilla

Kutsche im Park in Sevilla

Directly behind the park is Plaza España!

The square is huge half-circle with impressive buildings all around. A moat where you can go in a circle by boat has been built between the buildings and the square.

Plaza de Espana durch Gelaender

Boote Plaza de Espana

Brunnen Plaza de Espana

After that I went to the Guadalquivir, the river in Seville.

You can stroll along the riversides for hours and hours, but first I took a break and sat down close to the Triana bridge which is leading you to the trendy neighbourhood. I wasn’t really interesting to go to a bar on the other side, so I just enjoyed the sun and the view.

Bruecke ueber Guadalquivir Sevilla

Barbara am Guadalquivir

Guadalquivir Sevilla

Although it was late, I decided to walk along the riverside of the Guadalquivir for another hours and then go back to the hotel.

On my way I passed this beautiful wooden structure called Metropol Parasol. It was built in 2011 by the German architect Jürgen Mayer.

Holzkonstruktion Sevilla

Barbara haelt Holzkonstruktion

Although I didn’t see a lot, I’m happy that I simply enjoyed the day. Like this, I went to Ronda relaxed and not stressed out.

Yours Barbara
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