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Affiliate Links

What exactly is an affiliate link? Read about it here!

While browsing my blog you may have noticed that I recommend products on Barbaralicious. These products usually have a link that leads to another page where you can purchase the product. Product is meant here in the broadest sense. It can also be a hotel or a guided tour.


Affiliate links and partner programs

These links are often marked with an asterisk. These are so-called affiliate links.

Many companies or online retailers offer affiliate programs so that bloggers or influencers like me can easily promote their products. As a thank you for the recommendation or for forwarding potential customers, there is a small commission if the product is bought in the end.

Affiliate programs I work with a lot or link a lot are for example Amazon and the hotel booking portal

By the way, the page will also store for a certain time that you are there via my link. So it is also possible that I receive a commission if you buy something on this platform a week later. How long this is saved depends on the platform. For example, on Amazon it is 30 days. The link will be overwritten as soon as you click on the affiliate link of someone else.


What does this mean for you?

Three points are important for you:

  • For you the product (normally) doesn’t cost a cent more!
  • If I recommend the product to you, this means that I either own it myself or at least know of it and have found it good!
  • This way you can support me directly and help to reduce my costs for the blog a little bit. 


Meanwhile, the law requires that posts are labeled at the beginning if they contain affiliate links. So you can see directly above the first paragraph whether this post contains such affiliate links or not. You probably found this post through such a label.

If there is no asterisk behind a link, it is not an affiliate link. This means that the site does not offer an affiliate program and I will not receive any commission if you buy the product.


What does this mean for me?

I am a full-time blogger. That means that I earn money with my blog. One of the ways to generate income with a blog is said affiliate marketing. 

All the information, tips and tricks you can find on my blog are usually available free of charge. If this should not be the case, the post is then marked with advertising. This does not mean that money has been spent. It is also possible that I have received a product for free. You can read what exactly happened under the respective post. If you are interested in the different ways to work with me and advertise on Barbaralicious, please have a look here: PR & Media.

In any case I invest a lot of time and money in my blog. So I think it’s a legitimate request if you follow a recommendation of mine and I can profit from it.


Final Thoughts

So I would be very happy if you order products recommended by me through my affiliate links. As described, you can easily support me a little bit – especially if you are happy about my travel tips or if I could help you with a problem.

Thanks a lot in advance!


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