General Information

Insider Tips


Handy Vocabulary

Barcelona Guide for Digital Nomads

Live Like a Local

Are you looking to go to a nomad hotspot in the south of Europe?

Go to Barcelona!

Facts About Barcelona

Get a bit of a general overview about Barcelona: it’s all about history, location, locals! It’s always nice to learn about the destination even if you’re not staying there for long. Like this, it’s easier to connect with locals and to understand the traditions and habits.

Useful General Information

Before we can settle in a place we need to know some basics… In this chapter, you will find an introduction to all the important facts with a lot of information regarding currency, ATMs, and prices as well as about how to get to the place, how to get around in the city, about internet and safety. Stop worrying, start nomading!

Where to Work in Barcelona

Do you prefer coworking spaces or laptop-friendly cafés? We checked as many places to work from as possible to give you a precise insight on how working online in Barcelona feels like. You will find all necessary information for your mobile work place in our Barcelona Guide.

What and Where to Eat in Barcelona

You can’t fully experience a culture without trying all the typical dishes. Time for tapas, baby! But where are the best places to find them? Some restaurants are much better than others. I’ve tracked all the best ones down so that you don’t have to – and SURPRISE! Sometimes the cheaper ones are actually the most delicious!

Bett im Baumhaushotel Wipfelglück

Where to Stay in Barcelona

Where is the best place to stay? What kind of place should you search for? In which area will you get the full “nomad experience”? We’ll tell you exactly where to go so you will save the headache of searching for those spots yourself! You know what you get into before arriving.

What to See in Barcelona and Spain

One of the reasons for us to become digital nomads in the first place is to experience new places and cultures, right? My main job as a travel writer is to show you the most beautiful places. Of course, these are also part of the city guides. You will know about all the must-sees before getting to Barcelona so that you can enjoy exciting trips without doing the research yourself!

Get the Barcelona Guide for Digital Nomads!

By following our insider tips, the guide is bound to save you lots of cash, many hours of research, and prevent some stomach aches.

And all this for less than the cost of a meal!

The Authors

Barbara Riedel

I have been only once to Barcelona and unfortunately only for a long weekend. That’s why I collaborated on this project with my co-author Melissa to write the Barcelona Guide and give you the best possible insights. I created the City Guides for Digital Nomads and wrote most of them myself. Take a look at the others! You might also be interested in places other than Barcelona.

Melissa Otto

My journey as a nomad began in 2017. Before that, I lived in Barcelona for almost a year in a normal full-time office job. During this time I attended the first meetups and events about digital nomadism. Originally a freelance translator and author, I am now a project manager at Global Talent, an international freelance community.
In May 2018, I started my nomadic journey and now I call a small hand luggage backpack my „home“.

Melissa Otto Co-Author Barcelona Guide for Digital Nomads


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