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About Me

Awesome to have you here!

My name is Barbara, I’m 32 years old, and I started my travel blog Barbaralicious in December 2013. Why? Because I always had a passion for writing. My biggest dream was to publish a book one day. When a friend of mine suggested starting a blog in order to get writing experience, Barbaralicious was born.

It took me a year to find out that I want to write about traveling, and another two years to start writing about my life of travels as a digital nomad to help others interested in becoming laptop warriors who dream of working online from the most beautiful places in the world.

Today, my blog is one of several sources of income. I published not one but 19 ebooks. Four of them, I published as paperbacks, too, and five of them have been translated into up to four languages. I earn money with my writing, my photos, my knowledge by showing others how they can also follow their dreams of living and working in paradise.

I’m 100% nomadic and also teach others how to build a life of freedom and location independence – a life on their own terms.

I want to inspire people to become location independent and start their own exciting journey – no matter if they want to be remote workers, online entrepreneurs, or freelancers.

True to the motto:





blog posts


How I Became a Digital Nomad

Do you know the feeling of being stuck in life? When you think that you’re just functioning the way others want you to? When you see your whole life in front of you and there is nothing spontaneous, adventurous or unexpected? This is how I felt back in 2014! I was living in Germany, working as a freelancer while doing my second Master’s degree. I was exhausted from being someone others wanted me to be. I was tired of living life on somebody else’s terms. One day, I read about a conference for digital nomads. I was immediately hooked and booked my ticket after thinking about it for maybe 10 seconds. This was in June 2014. In September, I finished my degree. In October, I went to that conference. In November, I left Germany. And I didn’t come back except from short visits to see my family. It was the best decision of my life!

My Most Successful Books

I published more than 20 books, four of which have been translated into up to four languages.

These are my three bestsellers:

Don’t Miss a Beat!

Subscribe to my newsletter so I can keep you posted about my life of travels and as a digital nomad! You will never miss a new blog post, a new ebook or where my next adventure is going to bring us. Because it’s never going to be boring!